Round Felt Glide Set for Youth Chairs

Youth Chairs are often hand built which may require small adjustments for better stabilization. Additionally, you might be interested in extra protection for the floor's surface. This felt glide kit is specially designed to work with the wood found in our Youth Chairs.
The round felt chair gliders offer simple to install protection for surfaces such as hardwood, linoleum, vinyl, asphalt tile, terrazzo, marble, etc. These glides tap into the Youth Chair wooden legs and will not split the wood. The heavy duty felt base protect hard surfaces and slides easily over floors that can be marred by most other glides. One kit will adjust up to 4 legs. Felt based threaded stem glides are 1" (25mm).
How to Use:
Drill 11/32" hole 1" deep into center of leg. Tap glide socket into the hole and then thread the glide into socket. Adjust to level furniture as needed.
Learn How to Install - Watch the Video!
QB ID: Felt Guard